

在生产很多电子器件比如手机,手表,可穿戴设备时都需要开模,就是我们提到的模具模具是指工业生产上用以注塑、吹塑、挤出、压铸或锻压成型、冶炼、冲压等方法得到所需产品的各种模子和工具。 简而言之,模具是用来制作成型物品的工具,这种工具由各种零件构成,不同的模具由不同的零件构成。

五金模具分为:包括冲压模 ( 如冲裁模具、弯曲模具、拉深模具、翻孔模具、缩孔模具、起伏模具、胀形模具、整形模具等)、锻模(如模锻模、镦锻模等)、挤压模具、挤出模具、压铸模具、锻造模具等;非金属模具分为:塑料模具、无机非金属模具、砂型模具、真空模具和石蜡模具等。





 Safety should be designed into the tool as a first priority. Die designs should show die station identification in the following manner:


One-Piece Dies:


1. Each station should show its appropriate number as if it was engraved on the exposed die shoe surfaces, front & back, upper & lower, in ¾” numerals.

1. 应在模具的每个工位的表面,以¾英寸大小的数字显示其适当的识别编号,即该编号是刻在外露模座表面-正面和背面、上面和下面。

2. Numerals should be along the front-back centerline of the stations. These should be done so that, when the tool is opened, anyone standing by the die knows which station is which.

2. 应该将表示该识别编号的数字应沿模具工位的前-后中心线排列,以便在该模具打开时,站在模具旁边的任何人都知道是这是哪个模具的哪个工位。

Two-Piece Dies:


1. The 1st half of the tool should show a 1” high capital N (for entry), front & back, upper & lower. Each station should show its appropriate number as if it was engraved on the exposed die shoe surfaces, front & back, upper & lower, in ¾”  numerals. Numerals should be along the front-back centerline of the stations. These should be done in the same manner as above.

1. 应该在该模具的第一半部分的表面-前面和后面、上部和下部显示一个1英寸高的大写字母N(用于输入)。每个工位都应以¾英寸大小的数字显示其适当的编号,即该编号是刻在外露模座表面-正面和背面、上面和下面。数字应沿模具工位的前-后中心线排列。这些应该以与上文(一片式模具)相同的方式进行布置。

2. The 2nd half of the tool should show a 1” high capital X (for exit), front & back, upper & lower. The 1st station in the 2nd half will be marked as station 1; the second as station 2, etc. Each station should show its appropriate number as if it was engraved on the exposed die shoe surfaces, front & back, upper & lower, in ¾” numerals. Numerals should be along the front-back centerline of the stations. These should be done in the same manner as above.

2. 应该在该模具的第二半部分表面-前面和后面、上部和下部显示一个1英寸高的大写字母X(用于退出)。应将该模具的第二半部分的第1个工位标记为工位1;第二个工位标记为工位2,以此类推。每个工位都应以¾英寸大小的数字显示其适当的编号,如同刻在外露模座表面-正面和背面、上面和下面,该数字应沿模具工位的前-后中心线布置。这些都应该以与上文相同的方式完成布置。

All tools are to be designed with mistake proofing and die protection. Progressive dies are to have provisions for a minimum of two (2) detection devices. The location of the sensors and the type of sensors for line dies will be determined at the design review.


All die designs, prints, CAD data, CNC programs, and tooling aids must be updated to the PPAP level, and become the property of Wico Metal Products.



联系人:Sakina Lee



邮箱: 366686970@qq.com

地址: 上海市徐汇区淮海西路183弄
